Have you started looking into selling your home? If so, you know that there are a lot of things you need to do to your home before you sell it to ensure that everything is in good shape. If your home needs roofing repairs, then you may need to consider putting your property on the market “as is.” Before you make this decision, you should reconsider it.
Attempting to sell a home with a damaged roof is hard for any seller. One of the most significant issues with this problem is that you will not be able to ask for as much money as you could with a home that has a working roof. Another issue is that these homes tend to attract buyers who are only interested in flipping property. These buyers will often make an offer that is way lower than your already low asking price. In addition to all of these issues, potential buyers may have trouble securing the necessary financing to purchase your house. Most lenders require that issues like roof repairs be handled before closing.
Make sure your roof is in great shape before you sell your home when you contact the team at G&W Roofing. Our roofing contractors in Daytona Beach are available to provide you with both repair and installation services.